Benefit corporations (B-Corp under Italian legislation) represent a much-needed evolution of the traditional concept of corporation, an evolution that looks outward and forward. A benefit corporation is a company which combines the goal of profit with the purpose of creating a positive impact on society and on the environment.
By definition, a corporation’s primary and only goal is to maximize the profit for its shareholders. However, an ever-growing movement, born more than ten years ago in the US, is demanding a radical change of mentality, embodied by the benefit corporation paradigm.
Corporations aren’t isolated realities: they exist as integral parts of a social and natural environment and it is past time that companies realize this. It is only by thinking of its stakeholders rather than the shareholders that companies can thrive in an ever-changing world.
Having fulfilled all the legal and technical requirements, Rimsa has now proudly turned into Rimsa Società Benefit, attesting its commitment to always improving the impact on the world around us.
With this development, Rimsa joins those corporations actively working towards a brighter present and an even brighter future.
Our company directors about to sign the papers to officially change Rimsa into Rimsa Società Benefit
July 2023